Mental Health in 2020

2020 has been a wild, terrible year. If you’re feeling pretty terrible because of it too, please feel free to reach out and chat, or reach out to your loved ones and friends. Everything is better when we share with our communities, and support others in turn.

Feelings of anxiety and helplessness are extremely high right now, and if talking it through with your family isn’t helping, then it’s not weakness to seek professional support. Trained professionals can not only help you right now, but they will also give you the insight and skills to help you in future crisis’ as well, with things such as stress management and learning to recognise and understand your thought processes.

Mindfulness can also help, and although we’re encouraged to stay indoors during the pandemic, exercise is important, and vitamin D even more so.

Whatever you’re feeling or going through, remember that you’re not alone, we can make a difference, and we will all get through this.

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