There are so many great art prompt lists out there, especially for October! There’s sure to be one to interest any artist! However, after joining in #ArtoberFest in 2020, I found it too stressful. With full time work as well as a daily painting, I was so artistically drained by the end of the month that I barely painted anything in November.
So, I thought of a yearly prompt idea instead: #ArtYear. This prompt list is very casual, having 4 prompts per month. And as you can see, you can read them all right now! This gives you the ability to pick just one if you’ve got a busy month, or just 2, or do one in advance if you either don’t have time or would like to take your time. Or, in the cases where months have strong themes (such as Animal April or Avatar August), you’re perfectly welcome to composite all four prompts into the one image! Whatever you’d like. Also, you can use whatever media you’d like.
I hope this list will help anyone. 2020 was such a shocking year, I hope everyone pulled through it okay. We’ll make 2021 a better year by painting/creating through it!
You’re welcome to say hi using either the contact form here, or finding me on social media, I’m very friendly. We’ve got a discord server too, message me if you’d like to join. I’ll be browsing the # on Instagram and Twitter through the year, I’m looking forward to seeing your artwork!